
Sunday 30 September 2012

"Trust The Holy Spirit To Lead The Way"

Your destination has been chosen by God and He has prepared the itinerary for your journey. He speaks specifically to us through Scriptures if we learn how to listen. The Holy Spirit is now walking with you, showing you the way and keeping you company. He won't set you before a fork in the road - that's not His way. Trust Him to guide you today.

"God Wants To Bless Us"

Just because you have not yet received the fullness of God's blessing does not mean God does not desire that you have it. We must grow up and quit blaming God. Instead, we should seek Him for understanding and help so that we may receive all God has for us. Yes, God warns against trusting in riches or being deceived by them. Anything can be dangerous if not used properly. God is not against His children having wealth. He just does not want us to trust in it and worship it.

Let's line our thinking up with the Bible and quit letting the devil rob us of the blessings God intends for us. Our God is our wealthy Father Who loves us and delights to bless us.

"Speak The Word Of God"

We must speak God's Word to actively resist doubt, so it won't defeat us. The Bible says, "Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says". We need to personalize the Bible, and act on it. To accomplish this, we must first speak in agreement with what the Bible says.

Confess This With Me :
In Jesus' Name,I bind you satan and forbid you to bother me in any way.
Bible Scripture : [Mark 16:17] [James 4:7]

"Lean Entirely On God's Grace"

When we lean entirely on God's grace, Christ performs mightily in our lives! Know that God's love, acceptance and favor are already and unconditionally yours - simply because you are His beloved child. This key truth will take you from defeat to victory in your relationships, career, health and every aspect of life!

Saturday 29 September 2012

"Learn To Dwell On What God Says About You"

Sometimes God will allow you to go through period of greater stress. Period where you're tempted to be discouraged and depressed. But you need to recognize that it is a time of testing. Instead of dwelling in all those negative thoughts and emotions, just learn to dwell on what God says about you and lift up your hands and say :

Father, thank You that You've always put me to trials. I am not a victim; I am a victor! I know this is the day You've made and I am going to rejoice and be glad in it. I am excited of what You have in stored for me.

"Divine Moments" ~ Walk In Love

As a human who has been hurt, you may find it impossible to forgive and walk in love. But as a child of God, with God helping you, you can do it. If you are having trouble with this, just ask the Lord to work in you and change you. Tell Him you need His help.

"Grace For Today" ~ The Marked Trail

"DAILY GRACE" ~ The Marked Trail
The marked path we walk has been established by God ahead of time. He has a plan for each of us. We tend to get frustrated when we experience setbacks. We get disappointed and we don't like to admit it, but sometimes our hearts get broken. Sometimes we feel lost or trapped in our careers or in our relationships. We see nothing to look forward to and we think there is no escape. Let me tell you,  those are situations that God has tailor-made to show us His faithfulness.

"Completely Renewed Through Christ"

Being a new creation in Christ means that you have been renewed. The old sinful person you once were has gone as a result of your being completely renewed through Christ. In fact, the word renew can be defined as "changing into something new and different, something better". That really sums up what renewal in Christ means in that we were remade into something better. For some of us, it may have been quite a struggle to remove the old sinful self and totally renovate our lives. It may continue to be a struggle, but know this : If you stay steadfast in your relationship with God, He will continually work in your life to renew you and rid yourself of the stains of sin that may continually plague you.

"Divine Moments" ~ Trust In God

God has given each of us tasks to perform, and He will give us courage and strength to do them if we only trust Him. Twice He told Joshua that He would be with him as he entered the "Promised Land". We have that same assurance.

"Say A Prayer" ~ Give Me Your Strength

"PRAYER CORNER" ~ Give Me Your Strength
Say This Prayer With Me :
Abba Father,
As I stand before You today, believing that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Give me Your strength to continue believing until I see Your promises fulfilled in my life in Jesus Name. Amen.

"God Wants To Give You A New Nature"

A time comes in a young person's life when he or she must make a decision. God made you for Himself. Will you surrender your life to serve the Lord - whatever He calls you to be?

God wants to give you a new nature. When you give in to His claims on your life, then you will be a prince or princess of God. That will be the beginning of an exciting life for you.

"Your Focus Will Determine Your Behavior, And It Will Influence your Faith"

Today you may see many giants that challenges your faith - giants of time and energy, finances and resources, fear and faithlessness, and the challenges of todays society. God wants you to be confident that He's pouring His strength into you so you can do whatever it takes to defeat these giants.

God says you can have possession of an abundant life because He is with you. By seeing His hand sweep away the personal giants in your life, you'll be even more confident that you can do all things through Him who strengthens you.

"Enjoy Our God"

When we learn to really enjoy our God, the craving for the world's pleasures is diminished. The need has already been met just as it was meant to be.

Nothing will make you more consistently happy than having an intimate relationship with Christ Jesus.

"Confident In His Promises"

Just as a mother forgets about her labor pain when she is finally holding her newborn, you'll forget about your struggle when you are holding on to God's promises. Remember, you serve a faithful God, and He's working behind the scenes on your behalf. Don't cast away your confidence today because your reward is coming.
Wake up every morning and say out loud,

"I've come too far to give up now. My due season is coming. I will reap my harvest".

Brothers and sisters in Christ, stay in faith and look for His hand of blessing because He has promised you victory and your reward is coming! God wants you to be confident in the truth that, through Him, all things are possible.

"Answer The Call"

It takes "obedience" to experience the abundant life Christ promises. If you wonder where your joy is these days, ask yourself how you're doing in these areas. Then this new year, step up and go after the things that God calls you to. You'll be blessed for sure.

"Living With Purpose"

My life's purpose is to live for God's glory and to display the reality and the advantage of a life lived in Him. Every trial that I faced is a chance to show God's presence and power. Every relationship is an opportunity to tell others about the good news of Jesus. Right now, I am seizing every opportunity God gives me to display how great He is, and doing this allows me to see Him do amazing things in my life. My highest and greatest purpose as a follower of Jesus is to spread the fame of God's name wherever He has placed me.